2023/2024 Annual Meeting

The 2023/2024 CBH/SAA Annual Meeting took place at the Marriot Hotel in Visalia California. I was only able to attend Saturday’s meeting which took place from 8 AM to about 2:30 PM. The meeting was informative and rather productive and I highly recommend club officers to attend CBH/SAA meetings. It is a great opportunity to learn and get information about what is going on when it comes to archery in the great state of California.

The meeting was rather productive and I want to say we are lucky have to Pam Severson as our secretary for the CBH/SAA. She kept things rolling and is very knowledgeable about how the organization is run and how to get through all the agenda items. My personal take on all the agenda items is things need to be a bit more stream lined. Many of the agenda items are too complex and hard to understand. There should be a vetting process to submit agenda items. It would serve the state better if each region go through agenda items and vote before we get the state meeting. The only thing we should vote on are items that need further discussion. Once the items that we discussed and voted on we should then take final vote. I also feel the voting process should be done electronically well before the Annual and President’s meetings.

Moving forward our region and the CBH/SAA should implement modern electronic measures to make things efficient and cost effective.